Website Development Tools: Mind Mapping

By Brandon Roach March 1, 2013

Website Development Tools:Website Development Tools: Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping software is my favorite method for starting any project. This is a website development tool that our agency could not do without. I love the idea of just going into a meeting with clients and having a blank board and going crazy. Shouting out any idea with the attitude of anything goes. Just thirty minutes of nothing can be stupid just say it. It is fun to look at what goes up and then altogether filter down. I have found scraping all the excess off gives you a laser focus and delivers projects that deliver.

For me a few years ago I have found software on mind mapping that really helps this process. I haven’t found one that I am in love with, but the one I have ended up sticking with an online mind mapping software called mindmeister. It’s nice to always have access to them with any device I have and quickly modify with any ideas.

My ideas come to me at very sporadic times so getting a system that doesn’t force me to have a routine works really well for me. I have found it gives clarity in communicating with my team and we all continually modify them separately or together in our meetings. I have written on the benefits of having your data online as I have been through numerous computers and hard drives.

I started with Mindjet, but they wanted to force me to upgrade their software every time I upgraded my OS which for a desktop pricing model is absurd. So the subscription online version works very well for me. I have never run into any problems with Mindmeister and would highly recommend them.

Just sharing a tool I love for now,

A better web,

Brandon Roach

Other tools if you are in the process of looking are, please let me know of any others.

Mind Mapping Software:

MindJet MindManager


