Internet Marketing 101 SEO (SE – What O)

By Brandon Roach May 25, 2012

Internet Marketing SEO

Everybody else is doing it, I need to do it.  How do I get on the search engines?  How do I get this term to number 1?  Am I losing tons of business?


Internet Marketing SEO

Let’s get familiar with two approaches: Organic and PPC (Pay Per Click).  Organic would be how you currently pull up on the web without doing anything.  To improve these results there are many things you can currently do to your website to affect search engine results.  


PPC would be a method to pay to get people to come to your website through search engines, web banners, or other paid partnerships.


For me the organic approach is the best way for internet marketing seo in most cases.  There are some highly competitive words and phrases where this is nearly impossible no matter what anyone might tell you.


By organic you are making a commitment to have quality content built and added to your website on a consistent basis. There is a huge opportunity to link many tools to your website and help you add content on a consistent basis.


A Lot of time when I go into clients offices they have content sitting all over the office that can be useful on their website.  Information that is useful to potential customers, current customers, vendors, and other business relationships.


Building an affective link network to your website is vital.  Most importantly you want to make sure that links back to your content line up with the content you are serving.


Again The Internet series is meant to be a primer and I will go in depth on each of the topics expressed above at a later date, so stay linked.


A lot more goes into SEO like following web standards.  This is often way overlooked in template based systems.  Companies who choose to outsource building big systems think they can go back and add correct formats.  This needs to be done from the ground up.  SEO is an evolving process utilizing many disciplines.  Cirv likes to build a relationship with active companies who engage socially with their audience.  While I am not the biggest fan of face space it can be useful in a SEO strategy.  There are also many tools out there that are effective depending on the industry you are in.


A Better Web,


Brandon Roach