Google Docs 4 Easy Steps to Website Updates

By Brandon Roach July 20, 2012

Google Docs

Most of our clients do not have a CMS, therefore even if they did, most of them simply do not like to be responsible for updating their website. If you venture off of a template and keep your site following web standards, putting text up can vary from page to page especially if you tag your content like you should.

Something we have put into place is we ask our clients to maintain a Gmail account and utilize Google Docs. A big reason over Google Docs or any other platform is that each of us will always have the same version and all we want is the text. All of our styling will be done via code and we don’t want any excess code from a program, while Google Docs does a little of this we do strip it and just use the text. Sharing and collaboration are the biggest benefit. Both companies can edit a document and you can see where the other is at while it is live.

For every web page you should have a file that coincides. We replace the exact text you put in there and update it on your website. Sounds simple, but this is where Google Docs comes into play.

Naming the file should follow exactly what your browser displays as the title of the web page. Next organize in a folder that all your website pages are in, within Google Docs. Lastly share it with us.

Four simple steps that save a lot of time if followed.

    4. SHARE

What used to happen is our clients would send us a word doc and we would save and organize. They would update text and include other text updates within word doc. Phone call and frustration on correcting them not fun. Or they would send a new doc and name it different. Most common they would only include snippets in many different docs and we would have multiple saved and never know which part was the newest in any of them. Thus the four steps we came up with.

A better web,
Brandon Roach